Baby Signing - what's it all about?
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I'm only a few months old but I can already recognise familiar faces, hold eye contact and copy facial expressions.

I'm 6 months old now and use my voice to attract your attention and respond to you talking with me - I'm already learning the art of conversation! Additionally my visual memory and gross motor skills are developing and in the coming months I'll be copying simple gestures like clapping or waving. See - you are already 'signing' with me and you didn't even realise!

I want to communicate. I want to share with you. I want you to understand me. I need help to undertand too. Signing helps me to communicate, providing a 'bridge' between understanding and clear speech. Sign with me and let me share my world with you.
I'm only a few months old but I can already recognise familiar faces, hold eye contact and copy facial expressions.
Helping babies communicate before speech
We all gesture. Every day. It's part of how we communicate and express ourselves. Baby signing builds on this natural ability to link gestures with words and meaning.
Babies show an amazing ability to understand and recognise the world around them from an early age.
However, nature does not give the gift of speech at that same young age to enable a baby to express their thoughts, feelings and needs. That's why babies try other methods to make you understand - cry, grizzle, point, make a noise, throw a tantrum.
It doesn't have to be like that - if you sign with your child you will give them the gift of early CLEAR and CALM communication. And Little Bear has found that a happy baby leads to a happy parent!